Who are we?

PROXIMUM Group is the European leader in the organisation of BtoB meeting events. Our events, mostly market leaders, cover a wide range of business sectors such as the spatial and aeronautics industry, automotive, R&D, innovation, transport, tourism and energy. Our proprietary registration and BtoB meeting organisation platform Vimeet is also used by numerous clients wanting to organise their BtoB meetings at their own events.

Based on this recognised expertise, PROXIMUM Group has been offering, since 2019, an extensive range of long-distance events: Online Meetings! The registration, selection and confirmation process is the same. But come D-Day, there is no time-consuming and costly travel to arrange, everyone organises their own appointments in advance entirely online and from the location of their choice! 

Can I organise Online Meetings?

Would you like to organise your own long-distance Online Meetings event to reach international targets or targets that are not able to travel with little investment in terms of fixed costs (no site, stands, caterers, etc.)? It’s fast, simple and instant! click here.

What are the terms of reimbursement?

If the participant was unable to obtain at least 5 scheduled appointments (confirmed by both parties) after having sent appointment requests and accepted or declined appointment requests received, they have up to 2 working days before the event to request cancellation and reimbursement of their registration fee (excluding options). Other than this, registration is final and there will be no refund.

How do I meet contacts in a country where there is a significant time difference?

The Online Meetings platform automatically detects the time zone of every registered participant, wherever they are located in the world. When the catalogue is published online, everyone specifies the times they are available for appointments based on the local time.
For global events, with a potential time difference of 24 hours, information is given to each participant on the proportion of participants per country with the corresponding time difference.
The Online Meetings platform matches all available participants based on a GMT calculation.
For example: A European participant will have their appointments with Asia in the morning and their appointments with America will be scheduled for the afternoon and evening.


How and why can artificial Intelligence help me organise by appointment schedule?

The Online Meetings Artificial Intelligence intervenes at two key stages of the targeted lead generation process:


1) At the appointment request stage: the catalogue of participants is displayed in decreasing order of interest based on the information you have provided in your presentation sheet. This allows you to save time and not overlook certain prospects when sending requests. You can, however, create your own filters using the drop-down inclusive or exclusive menus (and/or).

2) When all the participants have accepted or declined their appointment requests: our algorithm optimises the organisation of everyone’s schedules based on appointments that have been confirmed by both parties. This makes sure that you only have qualified appointments.

How do I receive more requests?

1) Fill out your corporate presentation sheet: the more information you provide, the more the AI will suggest you to other participants and the more relevant requests you will receive. A well-qualified presentation sheet is the key to qualified appointments and an excellent ROI.

2) You can stand out from other participants in the catalogue by highlighting your logo and media links.

How do I ensure my appointments are successful?

  • Send at least 25 appointment requests to ensure you have a reliable basis for making up your agenda of pre-scheduled appointments.
  • Use the Vimeet test utility to test your browser, camera and microphone ahead of the event so you are ready on D-Day
  • When choosing your appointments, think about making a case for your requests in a targeted manner: your appointment request acceptance rate will increase by 80%!
  • Prepare for your appointment in advance, read over your contacts’ corporate presentation sheets before your appointments.
  • Start by introducing yourself (no more than 2 minutes) and leave yourself enough time to converse with your contact.

What equipment and what configuration will I need?

  • You will need a microphone, speaker/headphones and a webcam.
  • Please authorise our platform, Vimeet, to communicate with your webcam, sound equipment & microphone.
  • A high-speed internet connection
  • A recent browser
  • A quiet place where you can concentrate and won’t be disturbed by background noise. 
  • You can make your appointments from any device as long as it has an internet or 4G connection (smartphone, tablet, laptop, PC, Mac,...).

What are the main steps?

1) Online registration
After creating your own member account, simply complete your corporate presentation sheet and choose a participation format. Your registration will then be submitted for validation.

2) Appointment requests
Fifteen days before the event, open the online catalogue then choose and send a request to the contacts you would like to meet. A predictive algorithm displays the most relevant participants in priority order.

3) Confirmation of requests received
Every participant can request a meeting with you. You simply have to accept or decline their requests.

4) Receipt of your agenda
A few days before the event, you will receive your individual agenda of appointments qualified by you and your contacts.

5) D-Day
Login and attend your online meeting. If you are not available, please kindly notify your contacts.